Safe Sleeping for Babies: How to Ensure Your Little One Sleeps Soundly and Safely

What is the best way to put your baby to bed to ensure they sleep safely through the night?

We have come a long way in reducing the instances of both SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and SUDI (sudden unexplained death in infants), and the best way to keep your baby safe is to follow Safe Sleeping Guidelines for every sleep.


These are just some of the steps recommended by Red Nose Australia for safe sleeping:


  1. Always place baby on their back to sleep:

Back sleeping reduces the risk of suffocation, overheating and choking. Position your baby so they are lying on their back with their feet at the bottom of the bassinet or cot.


  1. Keep baby's face and head uncovered:

This lets your baby regulate their temperature and prevents overheating.


  1. Keep baby smoke-free, before and after birth:

Don't smoke around your baby, and never smoke where baby sleeps.


  1. Safe sleeping environment, night and day:

The safest place for baby to sleep is in their own space, with a safe mattress, and safe bedding. Keep toys, comforters and pillows out of the cot until baby is at least 12 months old.


For more information on safe sleeping, SIDS and SUDI visit:


Your little one needs a safe space to sleep: although they may take some naps in a pram, car or wearable carrier, it's best for them to have most of their sleeps in their cot, bassinet or bed.


To ensure the sleep space is safe:

  • use a new cot and mattress that meet your local safety standards (visit Red Nose Australia for the latest Australian and New Zealand standards)


  • use layers of bedding made of lightweight, breathable, natural fabrics such as muslin, cotton, bamboo or linen


  • ensure your little one's head is not covered when they are sleeping


  • use age-appropriate sleepwear, including sleep bags, made of lightweight, breathable fabric: little ones should not wear any hats, hoods or head-coverings to bed


  • remove all toys and pillows from the cot until your baby is at least 12 months old


  • once your little one can move around their space independently, anchor furniture to the walls. If your little one climbs the furniture, we don't want them pulling something heavy down onto themselves!


  • cover wall power outlets when not in use


  • little ones should be not too hot, not too cold overnight


  • we recommend a room temperature of 18-22°C (64-71°F) for the best sleep overnight, and indoor humidity should be kept between 40%-60% to promote deeper, easier breathing.


Glow Dreaming products are designed to help you set up the safest, healthiest environment for your baby’s sleep. Our Perfect Sleep Sensor gives you real, practical information on the best way to keep your baby comfortable overnight – check it out here.


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